Welcome to The Satilla!
Soon celebrating 10 years, Satilla Supplies welcomes local businesses surrounding Ware County, as well as friends who find us through the internet. To those who may find us, be prepared to be treated like family!
We cater to the janitorial/sanitation needs of restaurants, churches, and offices, with a focus on paper products such as tissue and paper towels.
Our community is important to us, and the Satilla river is an important to our local community. Once part of the transportation network of the Creek Indian Nation, it was later used by early Georgia settlers to float saw timber to be milled. And just in case you're wondering, it's Suh-till-uh. Though easier to pronounce than our other great landmark, the Okefnokee Swamp, don't be surprised if your GPS gets it wrong!
Today its dark, slow flowing waters and white sandbars are great attractions for those seeking wildlife and recreation. It is an area with rich history and beauty and has several organizations committed to its preservation and conservation.